WHoly Formed Yoga & Wellness

WHoly Formed Yoga & Wellness

WHoly Formed Yoga & Wellness events

  • 2025-01-15 9:00 AM - 2025-12-31 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-01-16 9:00 AM - 2025-01-16 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-01-16 2:00 PM - 2026-01-15 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-01-16 6:30 PM - 2025-01-16 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-01-17 9:00 AM - 2025-01-17 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-01-20 9:00 AM - 2025-01-20 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-01-21 2:00 PM - 2026-01-20 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-01-21 6:30 PM - 2025-01-21 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-01-22 9:00 AM - 2026-01-07 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-01-23 9:00 AM - 2025-01-23 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-01-23 2:00 PM - 2026-01-22 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-01-23 6:30 PM - 2025-01-23 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-01-24 9:00 AM - 2025-01-24 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-01-27 9:00 AM - 2025-01-27 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-01-28 2:00 PM - 2026-01-27 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-01-28 6:30 PM - 2025-01-28 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-01-29 9:00 AM - 2026-01-14 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-01-30 9:00 AM - 2025-01-30 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-01-30 2:00 PM - 2026-01-29 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-01-30 6:30 PM - 2025-01-30 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-01-31 9:00 AM - 2025-01-31 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-03 9:00 AM - 2025-02-03 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-04 2:00 PM - 2026-02-03 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-02-04 6:30 PM - 2025-02-04 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-02-05 9:00 AM - 2026-01-21 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-02-06 9:00 AM - 2025-02-06 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-06 2:00 PM - 2026-02-05 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-02-06 6:30 PM - 2025-02-06 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-02-07 9:00 AM - 2025-02-07 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-10 9:00 AM - 2025-02-10 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-11 2:00 PM - 2026-02-10 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-02-11 6:30 PM - 2025-02-11 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-02-12 9:00 AM - 2026-01-28 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-02-13 9:00 AM - 2025-02-13 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-13 2:00 PM - 2026-02-12 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-02-13 6:30 PM - 2025-02-13 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-02-14 9:00 AM - 2025-02-14 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-17 9:00 AM - 2025-02-17 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-18 2:00 PM - 2026-02-17 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-02-18 6:30 PM - 2025-02-18 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-02-19 9:00 AM - 2026-02-04 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-02-20 9:00 AM - 2025-02-20 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-20 2:00 PM - 2026-02-19 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-02-20 6:30 PM - 2025-02-20 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-02-21 9:00 AM - 2025-02-21 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-24 9:00 AM - 2025-02-24 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-25 2:00 PM - 2026-02-24 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-02-25 6:30 PM - 2025-02-25 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-02-26 9:00 AM - 2026-02-11 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-02-27 9:00 AM - 2025-02-27 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-02-27 2:00 PM - 2026-02-26 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-02-27 6:30 PM - 2025-02-27 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-02-28 9:00 AM - 2025-02-28 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-03 9:00 AM - 2025-03-03 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-04 2:00 PM - 2026-03-03 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-03-04 6:30 PM - 2025-03-04 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-03-05 9:00 AM - 2026-02-18 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-03-06 9:00 AM - 2025-03-06 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-06 2:00 PM - 2026-03-05 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-03-06 6:30 PM - 2025-03-06 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-03-07 9:00 AM - 2025-03-07 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-10 9:00 AM - 2025-03-10 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-11 2:00 PM - 2026-03-10 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-03-11 6:30 PM - 2025-03-11 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-03-12 9:00 AM - 2026-02-25 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-03-13 9:00 AM - 2025-03-13 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-13 2:00 PM - 2026-03-12 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-03-13 6:30 PM - 2025-03-13 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-03-14 9:00 AM - 2025-03-14 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-17 9:00 AM - 2025-03-17 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-18 2:00 PM - 2026-03-17 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-03-18 6:30 PM - 2025-03-18 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-03-19 9:00 AM - 2026-03-04 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-03-20 9:00 AM - 2025-03-20 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-20 2:00 PM - 2026-03-19 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-03-20 6:30 PM - 2025-03-20 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-03-21 9:00 AM - 2025-03-21 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-24 9:00 AM - 2025-03-24 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-25 2:00 PM - 2026-03-24 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-03-25 6:30 PM - 2025-03-25 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-03-26 9:00 AM - 2026-03-11 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-03-27 9:00 AM - 2025-03-27 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-27 2:00 PM - 2026-03-26 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-03-27 6:30 PM - 2025-03-27 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-03-28 9:00 AM - 2025-03-28 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-03-31 9:00 AM - 2025-03-31 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-01 2:00 PM - 2026-03-31 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-01 6:30 PM - 2025-04-01 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-04-02 9:00 AM - 2026-03-18 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-04-03 9:00 AM - 2025-04-03 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-03 2:00 PM - 2026-04-02 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-03 6:30 PM - 2025-04-03 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-04-04 9:00 AM - 2025-04-04 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-07 9:00 AM - 2025-04-07 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-08 2:00 PM - 2026-04-07 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-08 6:30 PM - 2025-04-08 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-04-09 9:00 AM - 2026-03-25 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-04-10 9:00 AM - 2025-04-10 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-10 2:00 PM - 2026-04-09 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-10 6:30 PM - 2025-04-10 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-04-11 9:00 AM - 2025-04-11 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-14 9:00 AM - 2025-04-14 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-15 2:00 PM - 2026-04-14 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-15 6:30 PM - 2025-04-15 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-04-16 9:00 AM - 2026-04-01 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-04-17 9:00 AM - 2025-04-17 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-17 2:00 PM - 2026-04-16 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-17 6:30 PM - 2025-04-17 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-04-18 9:00 AM - 2025-04-18 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-21 9:00 AM - 2025-04-21 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-22 2:00 PM - 2026-04-21 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-22 6:30 PM - 2025-04-22 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-04-23 9:00 AM - 2026-04-08 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-04-24 9:00 AM - 2025-04-24 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-24 2:00 PM - 2026-04-23 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-24 6:30 PM - 2025-04-24 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-04-25 9:00 AM - 2025-04-25 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-28 9:00 AM - 2025-04-28 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-04-29 2:00 PM - 2026-04-28 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-04-29 6:30 PM - 2025-04-29 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-04-30 9:00 AM - 2026-04-15 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-05-01 9:00 AM - 2025-05-01 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-01 2:00 PM - 2026-04-30 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-01 6:30 PM - 2025-05-01 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-05-02 9:00 AM - 2025-05-02 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-05 9:00 AM - 2025-05-05 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-06 2:00 PM - 2026-05-05 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-06 6:30 PM - 2025-05-06 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-05-07 9:00 AM - 2026-04-22 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-05-08 9:00 AM - 2025-05-08 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-08 2:00 PM - 2026-05-07 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-08 6:30 PM - 2025-05-08 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-05-09 9:00 AM - 2025-05-09 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-12 9:00 AM - 2025-05-12 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-13 2:00 PM - 2026-05-12 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-13 6:30 PM - 2025-05-13 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-05-14 9:00 AM - 2026-04-29 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-05-15 9:00 AM - 2025-05-15 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-15 2:00 PM - 2026-05-14 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-15 6:30 PM - 2025-05-15 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-05-16 9:00 AM - 2025-05-16 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-19 9:00 AM - 2025-05-19 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-20 2:00 PM - 2026-05-19 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-20 6:30 PM - 2025-05-20 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-05-21 9:00 AM - 2026-05-06 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-05-22 9:00 AM - 2025-05-22 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-22 2:00 PM - 2026-05-21 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-22 6:30 PM - 2025-05-22 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-05-23 9:00 AM - 2025-05-23 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-26 9:00 AM - 2025-05-26 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-27 2:00 PM - 2026-05-26 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-27 6:30 PM - 2025-05-27 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-05-28 9:00 AM - 2026-05-13 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-05-29 9:00 AM - 2025-05-29 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-05-29 2:00 PM - 2026-05-28 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-05-29 6:30 PM - 2025-05-29 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-05-30 9:00 AM - 2025-05-30 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-02 9:00 AM - 2025-06-02 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-03 2:00 PM - 2026-06-02 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-06-03 6:30 PM - 2025-06-03 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-06-04 9:00 AM - 2026-05-20 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-06-05 9:00 AM - 2025-06-05 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-05 2:00 PM - 2026-06-04 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-06-05 6:30 PM - 2025-06-05 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-06-06 9:00 AM - 2025-06-06 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-09 9:00 AM - 2025-06-09 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-10 2:00 PM - 2026-06-09 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-06-10 6:30 PM - 2025-06-10 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-06-11 9:00 AM - 2026-05-27 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-06-12 9:00 AM - 2025-06-12 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-12 2:00 PM - 2026-06-11 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-06-12 6:30 PM - 2025-06-12 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-06-13 9:00 AM - 2025-06-13 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-16 9:00 AM - 2025-06-16 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-17 2:00 PM - 2026-06-16 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-06-17 6:30 PM - 2025-06-17 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-06-18 9:00 AM - 2026-06-03 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-06-19 9:00 AM - 2025-06-19 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-19 2:00 PM - 2026-06-18 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-06-19 6:30 PM - 2025-06-19 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-06-20 9:00 AM - 2025-06-20 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-23 9:00 AM - 2025-06-23 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-24 2:00 PM - 2026-06-23 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-06-24 6:30 PM - 2025-06-24 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-06-25 9:00 AM - 2026-06-10 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-06-26 9:00 AM - 2025-06-26 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-26 2:00 PM - 2026-06-25 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-06-26 6:30 PM - 2025-06-26 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-06-27 9:00 AM - 2025-06-27 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-06-30 9:00 AM - 2025-06-30 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-01 2:00 PM - 2026-06-30 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-01 6:30 PM - 2025-07-01 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-07-02 9:00 AM - 2026-06-17 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-07-03 9:00 AM - 2025-07-03 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-03 2:00 PM - 2026-07-02 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-03 6:30 PM - 2025-07-03 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-07-04 9:00 AM - 2025-07-04 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-07 9:00 AM - 2025-07-07 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-08 2:00 PM - 2026-07-07 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-08 6:30 PM - 2025-07-08 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-07-09 9:00 AM - 2026-06-24 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-07-10 9:00 AM - 2025-07-10 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-10 2:00 PM - 2026-07-09 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-10 6:30 PM - 2025-07-10 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-07-11 9:00 AM - 2025-07-11 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-14 9:00 AM - 2025-07-14 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-15 2:00 PM - 2026-07-14 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-15 6:30 PM - 2025-07-15 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-07-16 9:00 AM - 2026-07-01 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-07-17 9:00 AM - 2025-07-17 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-17 2:00 PM - 2026-07-16 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-17 6:30 PM - 2025-07-17 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-07-18 9:00 AM - 2025-07-18 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-21 9:00 AM - 2025-07-21 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-22 2:00 PM - 2026-07-21 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-22 6:30 PM - 2025-07-22 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-07-23 9:00 AM - 2026-07-08 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-07-24 9:00 AM - 2025-07-24 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-24 2:00 PM - 2026-07-23 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-24 6:30 PM - 2025-07-24 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-07-25 9:00 AM - 2025-07-25 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-28 9:00 AM - 2025-07-28 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-29 2:00 PM - 2026-07-28 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-29 6:30 PM - 2025-07-29 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-07-30 9:00 AM - 2026-07-15 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-07-31 9:00 AM - 2025-07-31 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-07-31 2:00 PM - 2026-07-30 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-07-31 6:30 PM - 2025-07-31 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-08-01 9:00 AM - 2025-08-01 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-04 9:00 AM - 2025-08-04 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-05 2:00 PM - 2026-08-04 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-08-05 6:30 PM - 2025-08-05 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-08-06 9:00 AM - 2026-07-22 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-08-07 9:00 AM - 2025-08-07 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-07 2:00 PM - 2026-08-06 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-08-07 6:30 PM - 2025-08-07 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-08-08 9:00 AM - 2025-08-08 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-11 9:00 AM - 2025-08-11 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-12 2:00 PM - 2026-08-11 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-08-12 6:30 PM - 2025-08-12 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-08-13 9:00 AM - 2026-07-29 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-08-14 9:00 AM - 2025-08-14 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-14 2:00 PM - 2026-08-13 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-08-14 6:30 PM - 2025-08-14 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-08-15 9:00 AM - 2025-08-15 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-18 9:00 AM - 2025-08-18 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-19 2:00 PM - 2026-08-18 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-08-19 6:30 PM - 2025-08-19 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-08-20 9:00 AM - 2026-08-05 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-08-21 9:00 AM - 2025-08-21 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-21 2:00 PM - 2026-08-20 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-08-21 6:30 PM - 2025-08-21 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-08-22 9:00 AM - 2025-08-22 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-25 9:00 AM - 2025-08-25 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-26 2:00 PM - 2026-08-25 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-08-26 6:30 PM - 2025-08-26 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-08-27 9:00 AM - 2026-08-12 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-08-28 9:00 AM - 2025-08-28 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-08-28 2:00 PM - 2026-08-27 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-08-28 6:30 PM - 2025-08-28 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-08-29 9:00 AM - 2025-08-29 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-01 9:00 AM - 2025-09-01 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-02 2:00 PM - 2026-09-01 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-02 6:30 PM - 2025-09-02 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-09-03 9:00 AM - 2026-08-19 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-09-04 9:00 AM - 2025-09-04 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-04 2:00 PM - 2026-09-03 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-04 6:30 PM - 2025-09-04 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-09-05 9:00 AM - 2025-09-05 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-08 9:00 AM - 2025-09-08 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-09 2:00 PM - 2026-09-08 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-09 6:30 PM - 2025-09-09 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-09-10 9:00 AM - 2026-08-26 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-09-11 9:00 AM - 2025-09-11 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-11 2:00 PM - 2026-09-10 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-11 6:30 PM - 2025-09-11 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-09-12 9:00 AM - 2025-09-12 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-15 9:00 AM - 2025-09-15 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-16 2:00 PM - 2026-09-15 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-16 6:30 PM - 2025-09-16 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-09-17 9:00 AM - 2026-09-02 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-09-18 9:00 AM - 2025-09-18 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-18 2:00 PM - 2026-09-17 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-18 6:30 PM - 2025-09-18 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-09-19 9:00 AM - 2025-09-19 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-22 9:00 AM - 2025-09-22 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-23 2:00 PM - 2026-09-22 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-23 6:30 PM - 2025-09-23 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-09-24 9:00 AM - 2026-09-09 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-09-25 9:00 AM - 2025-09-25 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-25 2:00 PM - 2026-09-24 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-25 6:30 PM - 2025-09-25 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-09-26 9:00 AM - 2025-09-26 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-29 9:00 AM - 2025-09-29 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-09-30 2:00 PM - 2026-09-29 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-09-30 6:30 PM - 2025-09-30 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-10-01 9:00 AM - 2026-09-16 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-10-02 9:00 AM - 2025-10-02 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-02 2:00 PM - 2026-10-01 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-02 6:30 PM - 2025-10-02 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-10-03 9:00 AM - 2025-10-03 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-06 9:00 AM - 2025-10-06 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-07 2:00 PM - 2026-10-06 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-07 6:30 PM - 2025-10-07 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-10-08 9:00 AM - 2026-09-23 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-10-09 9:00 AM - 2025-10-09 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-09 2:00 PM - 2026-10-08 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-09 6:30 PM - 2025-10-09 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-10-10 9:00 AM - 2025-10-10 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-13 9:00 AM - 2025-10-13 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-14 2:00 PM - 2026-10-13 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-14 6:30 PM - 2025-10-14 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-10-15 9:00 AM - 2026-09-30 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-10-16 9:00 AM - 2025-10-16 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-16 2:00 PM - 2026-10-15 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-16 6:30 PM - 2025-10-16 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-10-17 9:00 AM - 2025-10-17 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-20 9:00 AM - 2025-10-20 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-21 2:00 PM - 2026-10-20 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-21 6:30 PM - 2025-10-21 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-10-22 9:00 AM - 2026-10-07 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-10-23 9:00 AM - 2025-10-23 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-23 2:00 PM - 2026-10-22 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-23 6:30 PM - 2025-10-23 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-10-24 9:00 AM - 2025-10-24 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-27 9:00 AM - 2025-10-27 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-28 2:00 PM - 2026-10-27 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-28 6:30 PM - 2025-10-28 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-10-29 9:00 AM - 2026-10-14 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-10-30 9:00 AM - 2025-10-30 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-10-30 2:00 PM - 2026-10-29 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-10-30 6:30 PM - 2025-10-30 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-10-31 9:00 AM - 2025-10-31 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-03 9:00 AM - 2025-11-03 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-04 2:00 PM - 2026-11-03 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-11-04 6:30 PM - 2025-11-04 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-11-05 9:00 AM - 2026-10-21 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-11-06 9:00 AM - 2025-11-06 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-06 2:00 PM - 2026-11-05 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-11-06 6:30 PM - 2025-11-06 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-11-07 9:00 AM - 2025-11-07 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-10 9:00 AM - 2025-11-10 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-11 2:00 PM - 2026-11-10 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-11-11 6:30 PM - 2025-11-11 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-11-12 9:00 AM - 2026-10-28 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-11-13 9:00 AM - 2025-11-13 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-13 2:00 PM - 2026-11-12 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-11-13 6:30 PM - 2025-11-13 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-11-14 9:00 AM - 2025-11-14 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-17 9:00 AM - 2025-11-17 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-18 2:00 PM - 2026-11-17 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-11-18 6:30 PM - 2025-11-18 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-11-19 9:00 AM - 2026-11-04 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-11-20 9:00 AM - 2025-11-20 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-20 2:00 PM - 2026-11-19 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-11-20 6:30 PM - 2025-11-20 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-11-21 9:00 AM - 2025-11-21 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-24 9:00 AM - 2025-11-24 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-25 2:00 PM - 2026-11-24 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-11-25 6:30 PM - 2025-11-25 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-11-26 9:00 AM - 2026-11-11 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-11-27 9:00 AM - 2025-11-27 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-11-27 2:00 PM - 2026-11-26 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-11-27 6:30 PM - 2025-11-27 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-11-28 9:00 AM - 2025-11-28 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-01 9:00 AM - 2025-12-01 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-02 2:00 PM - 2026-12-01 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-02 6:30 PM - 2025-12-02 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-12-03 9:00 AM - 2026-11-18 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-12-04 9:00 AM - 2025-12-04 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-04 2:00 PM - 2026-12-03 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-04 6:30 PM - 2025-12-04 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-12-05 9:00 AM - 2025-12-05 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-08 9:00 AM - 2025-12-08 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-09 2:00 PM - 2026-12-08 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-09 6:30 PM - 2025-12-09 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-12-10 9:00 AM - 2026-11-25 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-12-11 9:00 AM - 2025-12-11 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-11 2:00 PM - 2026-12-10 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-11 6:30 PM - 2025-12-11 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-12-12 9:00 AM - 2025-12-12 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-15 9:00 AM - 2025-12-15 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-16 2:00 PM - 2026-12-15 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-16 6:30 PM - 2025-12-16 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-12-17 9:00 AM - 2026-12-02 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-12-18 9:00 AM - 2025-12-18 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-18 2:00 PM - 2026-12-17 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-18 6:30 PM - 2025-12-18 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-12-19 9:00 AM - 2025-12-19 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-22 9:00 AM - 2025-12-22 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-23 2:00 PM - 2026-12-22 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-23 6:30 PM - 2025-12-23 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-12-24 9:00 AM - 2026-12-09 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.
  • 2025-12-25 9:00 AM - 2025-12-25 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-25 2:00 PM - 2026-12-24 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-25 6:30 PM - 2025-12-25 7:30 PM
    A slower, mindful practice that targets connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. Most poses are done while seated or lying down supported by the use of props and are held in stillness for several minutes. As we move into stillness, we bring body, breath and soul into harmony. It’s a perfect complement to a more physical practice. You will leave class feeling refreshed, renewed, and restored. A good class for beginners and those looking to refine their practice.
  • 2025-12-26 9:00 AM - 2025-12-26 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-29 9:00 AM - 2025-12-29 10:00 AM
    This is a special morning routine to jump start your day, wake up your body and get your energy flowing! This class is designed for all levels. Get up and get moving with a combination of Yoga, Pilates and deep  stretching. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class. A dedicated morning practice can boost your energy to meet the demands of the day. If you want to consistently enjoy the benefits of yoga, then you need to take the steps necessary to make it a habit. This class is great for all levels!
  • 2025-12-30 2:00 PM - 2026-12-29 3:00 PM
    This class is structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, chairs and straps are often used for safe practice, and to allow the body to fully achieve each position comfortably. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. Floor work will be limited and optional. Those with medical conditions, please check with your physician if you have any concerns about attending yoga.
  • 2025-12-30 6:30 PM - 2025-12-30 7:30 PM
    Gentle flow is a gentle flow combining a series of postures, where with a gentler, lighter paced flow, students will be able to move with a sense of ease from one posture to another, coordinated with the breath. This softer pace will allow you to be more present with each posture. Designed to create space to explore your practice, to find the play between strength, stretch and flexibility, stability and ease, and to gain greater understanding of alignment and balance in the body.
  • 2025-12-31 9:00 AM - 2026-12-16 10:00 AM
    Wednesday morning class is designed for beginner or experienced practitioners alike. This Hatha style practice will allow you to slow down and mindfully connect to your breath (pranayama), body (asanas), and mind (meditation). Class opens with calming and centering the mind through a short time of focused breathwork. This is followed by various postures to bring balance, strength and flexibility to the body through gentle exertion while remaining attentive to the breath. The class will close with a short time of meditation and relaxation to seal in the practice.